Safe and Reliable, Your Local Phone.
We offer local service to:
BalatonResidential: $19.99
Business: $24.99
ChandlerResidential: $19.99
Business: $24.99
EdgertonResidential: $19.99
Business: $24.99
GarvinResidential: $29.50
Business: $29.50
HollandResidential: $29.50
Business: $29.50
LyndResidential: $19.99
Business: $24.99
RussellResidential: $29.50
Business: $33.89
RuthtonResidential: $29.50
Business: $29.50
TylerResidential: $19.99
Business: $24.99
WestbrookResidential: $19.99
Business: $24.99
WoodstockResidential: $29.50
Business: $29.50
open all *Plus State and Federal Taxes and Fees
Calling Features
- Voice Mail
Retrieve messages or change your personal greeting from anywhere. No more expensive equipment or annoying tapes to rewind.
- Call Waiting
A small beep signals that another person is trying to call you when you are on the telephone.
- Caller ID
- Unlimited Long Distance to the lower 48 states
Phone Welcome Guide
+1 (507) 658-3830
+1 (800) 752-9397
Text - 507-658-6580
After Hours Repair:
+1 (844) 441-8614
Internet Tech Support:
+1 (800) 752-9397
337 Aetna St.
PO Box C
Ruthton, MN 56170
Get Direction » Business hours:
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
(from Monday to Friday)